Beginner JavaScript – Chapter 4 – JavaScript Data Types


As stated in my initial post, this is part of a series of JavaScript-related posts. As I am becoming knowledgeable in JavaScript, I am posting out what I’ve learned, to re-enforce my knowledge, as well as maybe helpful other web designers/developers in learning JavaScript. If I have mis-stated anything, please feel free to post it in the comments. You’ll help me, and others in learning JavaScript. Thanks!

There are three types of data in JavaScript:

  • Number
  • String
  • Boolean

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Beginner JavaScript – Chapter 3 – JavaScript Identifiers


As stated in my initial post, this is part of a series of JavaScript-related posts. As I am becoming knowledgeable in JavaScript, I am posting out what I’ve learned, to re-enforce my knowledge, as well as maybe helpful other web designers/developers in learning JavaScript. If I have mis-stated anything, please feel free to post it in the comments. You’ll help me, and others in learning JavaScript. Thanks!

JavaScript Identifiers are names; names that you give things in JavaScript. These JavaScript “things” include

  • variables
  • functions
  • objects
  • properties
  • methods
  • events

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Beginner JavaScript – Chapter 2 – JavaScript Statements


As stated in my initial post, this is part of a series of JavaScript-related posts. As I am becoming knowledgeable in JavaScript, I am posting out what I’ve learned, to re-enforce my knowledge, as well as maybe helpful other web designers/developers in learning JavaScript. If I have mis-stated anything, please feel free to post it in the comments. You’ll help me, and others in learning JavaScript. Thanks!

JavaScript statements are the core building block for anything JavaScript. A JavaScript statement is merely an instruction, telling your JavaScript what to do. Here are some examples of basic JavaScript statements:

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Beginner JavaScript – Chapter 1 – Including JavaScript on Web Pages


As stated in my initial post, this is part of a series of JavaScript-related posts. As I am becoming knowledgeable in JavaScript, I am posting out what I’ve learned, to re-enforce my knowledge, as well as maybe helpful other web designers/developers in learning JavaScript. If I have mis-stated anything, please feel free to post it in the comments. You’ll help me, and others in learning JavaScript. Thanks!

Before you write your Javascript, you have to know how best to incorporate it into your pages. Officially, there are three methods.

  • In-line
  • Embedded
  • External

Inline “was” one of the more popular methods of including JavaScript on a page. However, in keeping the web standards approach in mind (seperation of content, design & functionality), we’ll focus on the last two.

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Learning JavaScript

Things come easy, things come difficult.

For the past 17+ years, I’ve created websites. HTML, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, you name it, I’ve done it. I’ve even used Flash, JavaScript and jQuery to enhance my sites. Again, I’ve used JavaScript & jQuery, but I haven’t known it up to this point.

I’ve spent over a decade trying to grasp it; each time, it would elude me and/or I’d become distracted by something more digestible. With the JavaScript renaissance (the advent of JavaScript libraries, AJAX, and all the other developer toys), JavaScript and related libraries have become a requirement in the front-end developer’s tool belt. And overnight, I was behind the ball instead of alongside or in front. So this year, I’ve made it a priority to not only learn, but know JavaScript. I don’t want nor need to be an expert (as I’m heading down a UX track). But I have to know it, create it, manipulate it.

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